In Traditional Chinese Medicine we look at the root cause in a holistic manner. Specifically with regards to the concept that the life giving energy “Qi” flows through the 12 primary meridians over a 24 hour period. There is a maximum amount of this energy in each meridian for a 2 hour period each day. If a patient is waking up at the same time every night, it is probable that there is an imbalance with the specific organ, which has a peak of energy for that time period.
Acupuncture and lifestyle changes can help to correct these imbalances, which are causing the patient to loose sleep and suffer from insomnia. Specifically, Acupuncture has been proven to support healthy sleeping patterns even if you are a good sleeper and will not cause the “hang over” effect that over the counter medications are associated with. Acupuncture treatments will be used to reduce or tonify the specific organ or organ system with an imbalance in order to prevent further issues with sleeping quality.