Is the insertion of very thin needles into Acupuncture points along the meridians of the body. Acupuncture works by correcting imbalances in the flow of energy within the body to allow optimal healing and health. Common conditions treated with Acupuncture are neuromusculoskeletal disorders (such as arthritis, neuralgia, insomnia, dizziness and neck/shoulder pain); circulatory disorders (such as hypertension, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis and anemia); addictions (such as alcohol, nicotine and other drugs); respiratory disorders (such as emphysema, sinusitis, allergies and bronchitis); gastrointestinal disorders (such as food allergies, ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, anorexia and gastritis); and emotional imbalances (such as depression and anxiety). Acupuncture can also be useful for treatment of gynecological concerns like menstrual irregularities and fertility. There are currently more than 200 conditions recognized by the World Health Organization that are effectively treated with Acupuncture.
Is the insertion of very thin needles into Acupuncture points along the meridians of the body. Acupuncture works by correcting imbalances in the flow of energy within the body to allow optimal healing and health. Common conditions treated with Acupuncture are neuromusculoskeletal disorders (such as arthritis, neuralgia, insomnia, dizziness and neck/shoulder pain); circulatory disorders (such as hypertension, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis and anemia); addictions (such as alcohol, nicotine and other drugs); respiratory disorders (such as emphysema, sinusitis, allergies and bronchitis); gastrointestinal disorders (such as food allergies, ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, anorexia and gastritis); and emotional imbalances (such as depression and anxiety). Acupuncture can also be useful for treatment of gynecological concerns like menstrual irregularities and fertility. There are currently more than 200 conditions recognized by the World Health Organization that are effectively treated with Acupuncture.
Cupping Therapy
A therapy in which cups are applied by suction on specific locations of the body. The suction of the cups works by stimulating the flow of energy and circulation to these specific points. The suction created by the cups can be made by heat or a mechanical device. The belief is that drawing up the skin by suction will help stimulate the flow of blood, balance the flow of energy, break up adhesions, and draw toxins out of the body. Cupping is commonly used for respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, pain, tension and emotional imbalances.
A therapy in which cups are applied by suction on specific locations of the body. The suction of the cups works by stimulating the flow of energy and circulation to these specific points. The suction created by the cups can be made by heat or a mechanical device. The belief is that drawing up the skin by suction will help stimulate the flow of blood, balance the flow of energy, break up adhesions, and draw toxins out of the body. Cupping is commonly used for respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, pain, tension and emotional imbalances.
Tui Na
Is a hands on body treatment that is used to create circulation of energy flowing in the meridians to muscles. Tui Na is similar to deep tissue massage but also incorporates manipulation and deep pressure applied to Acupuncture points. Tui Na is commonly used for reducing pain associated with muscle and joint disorders. It can also be used to alleviate insomnia, constipation, headaches, respiratory disorders and reproductive disorders.
Is a hands on body treatment that is used to create circulation of energy flowing in the meridians to muscles. Tui Na is similar to deep tissue massage but also incorporates manipulation and deep pressure applied to Acupuncture points. Tui Na is commonly used for reducing pain associated with muscle and joint disorders. It can also be used to alleviate insomnia, constipation, headaches, respiratory disorders and reproductive disorders.
Ear Seeds
Ear Seeds are made from an actual seed from the Vaccaria plant. The seeds are applied with a small piece of adhesive tape to Acupuncture points on the Ear. The Ear Seeds are left on the Acupuncture points of the ear to allow stimulation for longer periods of time. This option helps to prolong the effect of the treatment by leaving the pathways of energy open longer. Leaving the Ear Seeds on is particularly helpful in cases where the patient is struggling with weight loss or addictions.
Ear Seeds are made from an actual seed from the Vaccaria plant. The seeds are applied with a small piece of adhesive tape to Acupuncture points on the Ear. The Ear Seeds are left on the Acupuncture points of the ear to allow stimulation for longer periods of time. This option helps to prolong the effect of the treatment by leaving the pathways of energy open longer. Leaving the Ear Seeds on is particularly helpful in cases where the patient is struggling with weight loss or addictions.
Gua Sha
Is a technique that involves scraping the skin with a massage tool to improve circulation and promote healing. The scraping technique creates an anti-inflammatory reaction and boosts the body's natural immune response. Gua Sha can be used as a complementary treatment to alleviate symptoms related to inflammatory Liver conditions, fever, cough, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, mastitis, gastritis, migraines, and painful musculoskeletal conditions.
Is a technique that involves scraping the skin with a massage tool to improve circulation and promote healing. The scraping technique creates an anti-inflammatory reaction and boosts the body's natural immune response. Gua Sha can be used as a complementary treatment to alleviate symptoms related to inflammatory Liver conditions, fever, cough, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, mastitis, gastritis, migraines, and painful musculoskeletal conditions.
Is a technique in which a herb called Mugwort is burned and applied to the body either directly or indirectly. The herb Mugwort is chosen due to the fact that the energy of the herb resonates well with the human body. Moxibustion is used to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of energy and promote general health. Moxibustion is believed to work well to expel cold and to warm the meridians. Since Moxibustion has been shown to increase blood circulation to the pelvic region it is also recognized for use in menstrual cramps; and some studies suggest that Moxibustion is up to 75% successful in correcting a breached baby during pregnancy.
Is a technique in which a herb called Mugwort is burned and applied to the body either directly or indirectly. The herb Mugwort is chosen due to the fact that the energy of the herb resonates well with the human body. Moxibustion is used to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of energy and promote general health. Moxibustion is believed to work well to expel cold and to warm the meridians. Since Moxibustion has been shown to increase blood circulation to the pelvic region it is also recognized for use in menstrual cramps; and some studies suggest that Moxibustion is up to 75% successful in correcting a breached baby during pregnancy.
Cosmetic Acupuncture - Facial Rejuvenation
Acupuncture needles are used at specific Acupuncture points on the face for stimulating the tissues to create collagen. The effect of the collagen production is to enhance beauty and preserve a youthful appearance. Along with the positive cosmetic effects, Cosmetic Acupuncture aims to balance energy in the body and promotes general wellness.
Acupuncture needles are used at specific Acupuncture points on the face for stimulating the tissues to create collagen. The effect of the collagen production is to enhance beauty and preserve a youthful appearance. Along with the positive cosmetic effects, Cosmetic Acupuncture aims to balance energy in the body and promotes general wellness.
Microneedling & Nanoneedling
Is a technique where the skin is rapidly punctured by a device called a pen, at a very subcutaneous level. These two treatments stimulate the body's production of collagen and elastin. While also increasing the skins ability to absorb and use skin care products. Both Microneedling and Nanoneedling work on the skin level, while Cosmetic Acupuncture also incorporates the use of motor points and addresses the root cause of the concerns. These treatments would be used to decrease fine lines, improve collagen production, promote blood circulation, decrease the appearance of scarring, diminish the appearance of crows feet, improve any concern around the eyes, diminish age spots, and hair restoration.
Is a technique where the skin is rapidly punctured by a device called a pen, at a very subcutaneous level. These two treatments stimulate the body's production of collagen and elastin. While also increasing the skins ability to absorb and use skin care products. Both Microneedling and Nanoneedling work on the skin level, while Cosmetic Acupuncture also incorporates the use of motor points and addresses the root cause of the concerns. These treatments would be used to decrease fine lines, improve collagen production, promote blood circulation, decrease the appearance of scarring, diminish the appearance of crows feet, improve any concern around the eyes, diminish age spots, and hair restoration.
Healthy Lifestyle Counselling
An Acupuncturist often uses Traditional Chinese Medicine to approach your body holistically; treating your mind, body and soul to bring you maximum wellness. An appointment with an Acupuncturist may include a variety of healing modalities including nutritional counselling, exercises, and information on healthy lifestyle choices.
An Acupuncturist often uses Traditional Chinese Medicine to approach your body holistically; treating your mind, body and soul to bring you maximum wellness. An appointment with an Acupuncturist may include a variety of healing modalities including nutritional counselling, exercises, and information on healthy lifestyle choices.